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    -About us-

    The Smart Peak Flow meter turns your phone into your personal asthma assistant.

    The concept for the device began in 2014 at Imperial College, London. Smart Peak Flow was invented to help people keep track of their asthma in a convenient way. 90% of asthmatics do not follow the standard advice given by doctors, which is to track their peak flow.

    Peak flow is the gold standard of asthma management. Peak flow can give clues into how asthmatics can live with less stress about their condition, such as tracking whether their medicine is working or being more aware of triggers.

    With peak flow only being measured by hand and with paper charts, it was no surprise to find out that 90% of asthmatics weren’t measuring it.

    Several prototypes later in 2017, the Smart Peak Flow meter was put on Kickstarter and 113% funded. Shortly afterwards, the world’s first smartphone peak flow meter was born.

    In the past few decades, provisions in asthma care have stayed the same. Asthma does not catch as much attention as other life changing conditions. But, with the emergence of new technology, this is a chance to help more people with the condition.

    -Our people-

    Dr Thomas Antalffy
    Co-founder and Managing Director

    Richard Pethö
    Co-founder and Business Development

    Antony Wilson
    Head of Sales and Marketing

    Szabó Ferenc
    Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

    Bálint Baraniuk
    Quality Control

    Serena Alpi
    Medical Affairs

    Iheb Brini
    Data Scientist

    Ádám Ling
    Software Development

    Máté Guthy
    Industrial Design

    Róbert Katona
    Electronics Engineer